2014年3月10日 星期一

When to Post on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social media is always on.

social media best times to post When to Post on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and PinterestDetermining the best times to post on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and blogs is vital to content marketing success. The optimal time to share on each platform may vary depending on your audience, of course. The nature of your business and data about when your audience is active should inform and drive your timetable so that you maximize your reach and virality.

Social media timing tools

There are many tools you can use to gauge your timing. HootSuite’s functionality enables you to automatically schedule your Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn updates based on your followers’ engagement patterns. A great app I just discovered called SocialBro analyzes the timelines of your followers and creates a “best time to tweet” report that tells you when you should be tweeting to maximize retweets and replies. Topsy, an app that has been around for a few years, performs social network trend analysis. Timing+ helps you decide when it’s best to post on Google+ by evaluating your historical post data. SocialFlow uses real-time data to understand the constantly changing interests of your audience and maps your content to the windows where you’ll get the most attention.

When to post on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and blogs — and when not to

Fannit combed the Web and aggregated the timing information below, which you can use as a general guideline for U.S. time zones.
  • Facebook

Best times: Weekdays 6:00-8:00am and 2:00-5:00pm
Worst times: Weekends 10:00pm-4:00am
  • Twitter

Best times: Weekends 1:00-3:00 pm
Worst times: 8:00pm-8:00am
  • Google+

Best times: 9:00-11:00am
Worst times: 6:00pm-7:00am
  • LinkedIn

Best times: 7:00-8:30am, 5:00-6:00pm
Worst times: Monday and Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Pinterest

Best times: Saturday, 2:00-4:00am and 8:00-11:00pm
Worst times: 1:00-7:00am and 5:00-7:00pm
  • Blogs

Best times: Monday, Friday, and Saturday at 11:00am
Worst times: 11:00pm-8:00am
social media best times post When to Post on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest
When to Post on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest is a post by Pam Dyer on Pamorama | Social Media Marketing Blog. A Forbes Top-50 Forbes Social Media Power Influencer, Pam is a Seattle-area marketing professional and Seahawks fan. Follow her on Twitter at @pamdyer

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When Is the Best Time to Post on Facebook?

can’t begin to count the number of studies I’ve read that claim they know the best time or day to post on Facebook.
While most of these studies conflict with one another, they also consistently conflict with my own analysis. This may not be what you want to hear, but the best time to post depends on your business and your audience. With a little extra effort and a little creative thinking, you can determine the best time for you.
How can you determine the best time for your business?

Focus on understanding your audience

Research shows that a Facebook post receives half of its reach within 30 minutes. Consequently, you should try to determine when your fans are on Facebook and aim to schedule your posts around that time.

Step 1: Determine who your audience is

Look at your Facebook demographics. They may be different than you think. You can review the age range and gender break down by opening your Facebook Insights and visiting the “Likes” tab. If you have multiple locations or a large customer base, you will want to review the location of your audience as they may be spread across various time zones.

Step: 2: Think about what their day looks like

Now that you know the demographic of your audience, think about their day — is your typical fan a mom? A student? Likely to work at 9-5 job? All of these factors can help determine the best time to post on your page.

Step 3: Apply what you know

Use the information you now have about your audience to post effectively. These Facebook statistics might also help provide more insight about posting best practices.

Facebook statistics about usage

best times to post on FacebookToday, more people access Facebook from a mobile device than a desktop — 751 million monthly active users to be exact. Smartphone owners even spend more time checking Facebook on their mobile device than they do using Google. (For those who are skeptical about their fans viewing their Facebook content via mobile, don’t worry. You can check it all out in Facebook Insights.)
Think about this…80 percent of 18-44 year olds check their smartphone as soon as they wake up. It’s likely that your fans are reaching for their phones and scanning their newsfeed as they start their day. This creates an optimal time to post. In the last month or so, I’ve tested posting between the hours of 6:30-8:30am on the Constant Contact Facebook Page and have seen great results.
Smartphone owners tend to reach for their phones around meal times and 86 percent of mobile internet users report using their device while watching TV. These individuals also spend almost double their time accessing social media via a mobile device on the weekends compared to weekdays. Don’t jump to any conclusions just yet though. Weekends and weekdays, between 5:00-8:00pm, aren’t necessarily the optimal time to post because of newsfeed competition. During these hours, you’re likely to compete with your fans’ hundreds of friends and the other brands they follow.
On the Constant Contact Facebook Page, I’ve noticed that our posts receive the most engagement during off-peak hours when less overall posting is going on. Try to find your engagement sweet spot by determining the intersection of time when the majority of your audience is on Facebook and the time when the least overall posting is occurring.
Studies have also shown that more than half of users only access Facebook when they’re not at work or school. Also, the hours that people are commuting to and from work shows mobile usage peaks. Although it’s not safe if they’re driving, many mobile social media users are checking their phones on the way to work, which creates a great time to post about your business.

Let’s review. When is a good time to post on Facebook?

 Early morning
χ During work (9am – 5pm)
 Between work and dinner
χ After dinner (TV time)
χ Weekends

The bottom line?

The best time to post on Facebook is when your audience will see it. And this is going to be unique to you and your business.

Using Facebook Insights

If you want to analyze actual numbers to determine if past posting times (or if trying new posting times) are working effectively, simply follow these steps for using Facebook Insights.
1.  Export the “Post level data” from Facebook Insights for your preferred time period.
2.  Open the Post level data in Excel within the “Lifetime Post Stories by action” tab (the third tab) and delete all columns except D, H, I, J, and K. Don’t delete E if you’re interested in seeing what types of posts work well for your audience.
Note: This does not include clicks on links. It includes only “Likes,” comments, and shares. To review link clicks, simply review the same columns in the fourth tab in “Lifetime Post consumers by type.”
Don’t forget, timing isn’t everything! Determining the ultimate time to post on Facebook won’t increase your engagement if your content isn’t engaging.
Do you believe in a universal best time to post on Facebook? What time do you think is the best time to post? Tell us in the comments below.
This article originally appeared on Constant Contact Blogs and has been republished with permission.
(Facebook posting times / shutterstock)